Our security strategy is comprehensive and multifaceted, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and the uninterrupted operation of our infrastructure:
- Key management: All sensitive information, especially validator keys, is securely stored in Hashicorp Vault. This system not only provides robust security but also facilitates easy access when necessary.
- Constrained access: Strict policy rules are in place, allowing each node access only to its own key. This limitation is crucial for preventing unauthorized use of keys and preserving the integrity of each node.
- Network isolation: Nodes within the same blockchain network can communicate with each other but are isolated from the rest of our infrastructure. This network isolation per namespace is a key security measure, preventing potential cross-contamination or breaches.
- Port management: The only ports open to the public are P2P ports, with dynamic configuration of node IPs, This enhances our operational resilience, allowing us to swiftly relocate nodes if necessary in response to outages.
- Geographic distribution: The combination of these security measures makes it easy to move validators when needed. This mobility is essential for maintaining uninterrupted service and quick response to any network issues.
- Operators wallets: For an additional security layer, operator accounts are managed exclusively via hardware wallets like Ledger. This practice ensures that even in the event of a compromised system, the operators’ access remains secure and untouchable.